Benjamin Duerr 3 min read

Happy Employees, Successful Business

The world of work is constantly changing, and companies are increasingly thinking about how to attract and retain talent. Employee satisfaction is one of the key factors when it comes to making a job choice. Especially through platforms like Kununu, interested parties have in-depth insights into the company structure and employee benefits without even having worked there. This article aims to present various alternatives to increase employee satisfaction through benefits.

1. WellPass

A benefit that has become established in the working world in recent months is the WellPass. If your company participates, every employee can visit sports facilities in Germany and Austria at a low cost. This concept, which is based on a monthly booking system, is enthusiastically received due to the number of sports facilities and its location-independent nature.

A middle-aged woman with a yoga mat in a health club. She is smiling radiantly at the camera. In the background, a group of women can be seen enjoying the sunshine and looking forward to their upcoming yoga class.

2. Germany Ticket

The Germany Ticket is another incentive to increase employee satisfaction. The Germany Ticket makes particular sense for companies within metropolitan regions, as the rail infrastructure is very well developed there. This creates the opportunity for employees to commute to work sustainably and to use the train more frequently than the car in their private lives.

In the foreground, two young people are seen, who stand out due to their smart clothing style. Both are laughing and enjoying the moment. The train they are in has a modern design and a bright interior.

3. Office Coffee

For many, a good cup of coffee is still indispensable for a good start to the day. It is therefore all the more important for an employer to find a suitable coffee machine that meets the needs of the employees. Coffee consumption not only leads to an increase in productivity through uplifted employees but can also lead to an exchange of ideas and better communication through coffee breaks.

Two men stand with their lattes in front of the coffee machine in the office. Their happy appearance conveys an image of joy and satisfaction. This shows how friendship among colleagues can have a positive impact on the work atmosphere.


To ensure employee satisfaction, there are several incentives that employers can create. Whether it’s a good coffee machine, a free Germany Ticket, or a WellPass membership - every company has a variety of possible employee benefits. It should be emphasized that employee benefits only add value when factors such as company structure, salary payments, workplace, and so on are also right. Would you like to offer additional employee benefits for your company? Visit our website and learn more about our innovative beverage solution.

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